You’ll need to borrow money to start the business and so you decide to write a business plan. Review the basics of the business plans at the US Small Business Administration site You can use the template that is part of the class, but it is NOT required. You can do your business plan in either a WORD document, a PowerPoint or a blog post. Regardless of the medium, it needs to be thorough.
While a real business plan would be quite massive in detail, for the purposes of this exercise you’ll be addressing only a very small portion of a total business plan. To see how other businesses have written their plans, please feel free to go to the sample business plans site at
Your assignment is to develop a PowerPoint presentation presenting your idea to DUNN VENTURE CAPITALISTS, LLC in order to obtain funding for your business. The type of company is not specified, so be creative in formulating an idea as to the name of your company and the product or service that will be central to your business.
Starting with a named, well- defined business:
1. Describe the product or service that will be offered by your business. Make sure it is “green.”
2. Create a mission or vision statement for your business.
3. What is the size of the industry? What is the target market? What outside factors may influence the buying behaviors of the industry or the target market?
4. What needs does your business fill and why is it different than other similar products? Who are the potential customers for your business and why will they support your business rather than your competitors?
5. What form of business organization will you use and why? What steps will you take to obtain that form of organization?
6. How will your business be organized? What officers would you have for your business? What professionals do you plan on contacting or hiring to help start up the business?
6. What laws must you comply with regards to the sale of this particular product or service?