We divide the study of lifespan development into three broad categories: conception through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood to death. In this assignment, you will be looking at the first broad category, conception through childhood, using research to compare and contrast two of the lifespan theorists.
Step One:
Please choose two theorists from the list below. You may select different theorists or keep these for the subsequent assignments.
Freud’s psychosexual stage theory
Erikson’s psychosocial stage theory
Kohlberg’s moral understanding stage theory
Piaget’s cognitive development stage theory
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory
Step Two:
Research your selected theorists. The embedded text in this course will help, and you may also use resources from the approved list of websites given to you in your syllabus:






Brief summary of paper.
3. Introduction: Review of past literature on lifespan and human development for corresponding stage, e.g. infancy through early childhood, etc.

Overview of two theorists and their theories, in relation to the development phase being discussed.
Identify the parts of each theory that are relevant to this lifespan stage.
Discuss the similarities of the theorists and their theoretical stages in relation to this particular timespan.
Give specific examples of each of the similar stages.
Contrast the theoretical stages in relation to this particular lifespan stage. Were there differences between what the two theorists believe?
Give specific examples of each of the stages where the theorists differ.
4. Discussion

Summarize the key points from your essay. Why would knowing these stages be important?

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