1) Governing institutions throughout the world on every scale—international, national, state and city—are adopting policies and mechanisms that try to intervene in the business-as-usual economy to reduce carbon emissions. Among the most significant such mechanisms are: cap-and-trade schemes, carbon taxes, offsets, and divestment (including for national governments ending or shifting subsidies). All of these approaches have strengths and weaknesses, and, depending on how they are designed and implemented all have the potential to be either very effective or quite ineffective in reducing emissions. Choose 3 of these 4 mechanisms and for each one : a) summarize how each one is ideally supposed to work and; b) describe the main strengths and weaknesses of each approach (specific examples from attempts to implement them would be great). Finally, in your conclusion write what your ideal policy approach would be (using all, some or none of these) that might attempt to correct or lessen for some of the problems. Are there other approaches beyond these commonly used ones that you think would be even more powerfully effective?

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