For those Fall Semester 2019 ELHE 5304 graduate students who are not yet eligible for participation in the forthcoming Fall Semester 2019 M.Ed. in Educational Administration/Higher Education Leadership Program Concentration Comprehensive Examination, your narrative (written) responses are respectfully requested regarding the following question(s) … and you are encouraged to utilize the literature (courses texts as well as your own ‘outside’ research and experiences):
Articulate what your definition of professionally practiced “leadership” is/entails from a professional perspective, and explain how this definition/explanation may have changed after reading/studying the higher education student affairs personalities identified in the Transformation Encounters course text.
As you progress in the Tarleton State University M.Ed. in Educational Administration/Higher Education Leadership (ELHE) 30-hour Program Concentration, please share what are you specifically looking forward to/hoping to experience involving your matriculation through this program?
As you have been introduced to multiple perspectives given the coursework readings and written assignments in our present ELHE 5304 course, specifically when asked to share your thoughts and impressions regarding a variety of higher education leadership topics and issues, share how your professional aspirations may (or may not) have changed regarding your future professional involvement in higher education.