Objectives/ Learning Outcomes
The coursework assessment is designed to enable you to partially demonstrate the learning outcomes required for the successful completion of the module, with particular reference to the business/market/academic research skills development outcomes for this component as detailed in the module specification and module handbook:
This Research Proposal is mostly based on topics you have covered over your degree programme so far. This gives you a choice of topics to focus upon (see below): a list of potential topic choices is given in this module handbook to help those undecided about what to focus on. Groups are free to choose a topic that is not on the list (as long as it is ethically sound).
You are asked to play the part of a business researcher or market research agency, submitting a proposal document to the client for their approval of your plan to research the question you choose. In order to create an appropriate proposal, you are required to analyse the existing academic and practitioner literature in the area, identify an aim and objectives, develop a strategy for sampling, collecting, analysing and interpreting data, and discuss the ethical and other limitations of your research. The research proposal is to outline a mixed methods (qualitative AND quantitative) research project.
Although practically-focused, this assessment requires an academic slant uniting academic and practitioner knowledge. You are expected to integrate academic concepts and theories from your other modules, and your own reading, to underpin your work and support the judgements you are making. In this regard it is essential that you properly reference all books, academic articles, websites and other reference sources used in your report.
Your Research Proposal is expected to cover the following (N.B. Word counts given here are approximate guidelines only):
More detail is provided below about content for each section and marking criteria.
The report should
We expect cohesive and logical research methods that build on each other to achieve your research aim and objectives. The marking criteria are split between the key sections of the assignment, and reflect the content and quality of each section and the proposal as a whole. See the marking grid below on how this is applied at each grade level, with details on expected content.
Please note that the word count guidelines for individual sections are JUST guidelines.
Introduction / Background and literature review: 20%
Aims and objectives: 10% (approx. 75 words)
The following methodology sections MUST link to what you found in your literature review, and achieve your aim and objectives. The qualitative section usually goes before the quantitative section, however as long as you use an integrated mixed methods approach, which you justify, this can be adapted to suit your own plan, but there must a section for each methodology. A brief introduction to how you plan to integrate the two methodologies is advised.
Qualitative methodology: 25%
This section requires:
Clear sampling plan, including sampling frame, sample size, intended recruitment methods/issues with access and any requirements for incentives (approx. 100 words)
Outline of qualitative data collection method(s), and commentary on how these will be carried out to ensure robust data is gathered. This should describe how you would prepare materials such as moderator’s guides (though no actual moderator’s guide is required) and details about conducting the research (where/when/how) (approx. 400 words)
Plans for data presentation, coding, analysis and interpretation suitable for qualitative research (approx. 200 words).
Quantitative methodology: 25%
This section usually goes after the qualitative section and requires:
Clear sampling plan, including sampling frame, sample size, intended recruitment methods/issues with access and any requirements for incentives (approx. 100 words)
Outline of quantitative data collection method(s), and commentary on how these will be carried out to ensure robust data is gathered. This should describe how you would prepare materials such as a questionnaire (though no actual questionnaire is required) and details about conducting the research (where/when/how) to maximize generalizability and reliability (approx. 400 words)
Plans for data presentation, coding, analysis and interpretation suitable for quantitative research (approx. 200 words).
Ethics, Limitations, Timings: 10%
Outline of ethical issues arising through the research and how these would be addressed (approx. 200 words)
Description of any unavoidable limitations of the research that threaten robustness of the study, measures taken to reduce them (approx. 100 words)
Proposed time frame for the research, ideally using Gantt chart (max. 100 words) and brief closing summary.
Overall presentation: 10%
Develop an effective structure for addressing all the tasks.
Maintain a succinct and compelling style throughout.
Clear links between sections to build arguments consistently.
Provide accurate references for all researched or quoted material (including background information on organisations)
Use grammatically correct English without spelling errors.