Provide a research paper is for a American Sexualities class.

Was told by my professor that just doing the paper on Trans people as a whole is too broad and to narrow it down to specific cases. Some individuals I would focus on would be South African runner Caster Semenya, Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood who are high school runners and were denied being able to participate in Track in the state of Connecticut due to out preforming their cisgender counterparts

My professor also added this in the email:

“For instance, you could find a new case or controversy about a particular athlete or group of athletes. Then you seek out primary sources on that case – maybe newspaper articles, interviews, a law suit if there is one, etc. Then, you pick out and study several relevant scholarly works (e.g., on gender and sport, sexuality and sport, etc.). And then, based on all that, you create your own analysis of the situation.

For instance (this is just the result of a brief google search) there is a new controversy about trans women who have been dis-invited to a world Rugby competition. (Just an example.)”

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