Give your manager guidance on the steps to take and considerations to make when planning to recruit at Meathop Hall. Create examples of relevant documents e.g. Job description, Person Specification. Indicate to the manager the significance of the Equality Act 2010, and how the wording of your examples comply with it. Convince your manager to use your best practice guidance.

How to attract suitable candidates to fill your vacancy.
Give your manager guidance about how to create a job advert for a vacancy at Meathop Hall, including all key considerations. Create copy for one social media advert and one in-house/ internal advert for a supervisory job. Indicate to the manager the significance of the Equality Act 2010, and how the wording demonstrates legal compliance. Convince your manager to use your best practice guidance.

How to select the right candidate?
Give your manager guidance on interview techniques and key considerations when conducting a face to face interview; create suitable interview questions that could be asked during an interview for a supervisory job role and explain how they comply with the Equality Act 2010; give guidance on how to use trial shifts to aid the selection process. Convince your manager to use your best practice guidance.

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