

The tricellular model is a conceptual model that describes the general circulation of the atmosphere.

Based on your readings, explain the processes that drive the circulation in each of the three cells. Include an explanation of the upper level air flow in your answer. Illustrate your answer with examples, where relevant, and use appropriate references.

This continuous assessment comprises 40% of the overall module mark.

NB. Please read the guidelines


• Do not use lecture material.

• Prescribed readings should form the basis of developing your understanding of the topic. All other references should be treated as supplementary.

• Do not use web pages as sources of information; online academic journal papers or books are acceptable.

• Quotations should be kept to an absolute minimum.

• Use single line spacing and a 12pt Font.

• Limit your answer to a maximum of 2,000 words (~4 pages), excluding bibliography. Put all figures / tables after the text.

• Use the cover sheet provided (next page).

• Students who fail to submit their completed assignments by the deadline are bound by the regulations relating to late assignment submission set out in the Second Year Geography handbook.

• The regulations relating to submission of written assignments, to plagiarism/collusion and to referencing as set out in the Second Year handbook (See section on Critical bits of information you should know) must be adhered to in preparing and submitting the assignment.

• In order to complete the submission process an electronic version (word document or .doc/.docx) of the assignment must be submitted via turnitin on the GY213 module moodle page


Make sure you have read the Second Year Geography handbook and in particular the section entitled Critical bits of information you should know.

Download the Geography Department’s detailed guidelines, The Reference Point, on Moodle MC-GY-02. Students must use this referencing system for assignments.

GY213 Climatology

Continuous Assessment II

Cover Sheet

Student Name:__________________________​Student ID:___________________



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