There is one important change. We felt that we asked you to write a little too much on the first reflection. Therefore, we’re lowering the word count to 1000 words. Address both the pre-recorded lectures and the Q&A sections from each relevant speaker (Jasveen Brar and Karly Kehoe and Sobaz Benjamin and Cat Abreu). Consider how each speaker influenced your own view of sustainability. Did they challenge it, enrich it, or contradict it? What can you take from the perspective of each speaker? Effective reflections will provide an integrated discussion of the lectures, briefly summarizing the key points of each lecture (including the Q&A sessions), exploring connections or contractions among the lectures, and emphasizing your own view on the subject matter. You do not need to draw on external sources beyond the Lecture Series, but you can consider making connections to other aspects of the class content.
All videos required for paper down below:
karly Kehoe lecture:
jasveen brar Q&A:
sobaz benjamin:
Catherine Abreu: