Gender and Immigration.

Does immigration policy treat men and women the same? What are some of the differences? Provide 3 examples. What is the Latina reproductive threat narrative? Describe the image in popular media that represents the Latina reproductive threat? Did the data presented by Chavez on Latina reproduction rates support or refute the image of Latinas as hyper-fertile? As hyper-sexual? How is the production of those images political?

In the last three weeks we have concentrated on the notions of citizenships vs aliens; deserving vs undeserving, and who is a member of “the nation”. What are these boundaries and how do they impact people? For example, in “Fear of Learning at Hoover Elementary” we saw the impact of this narrative in schools and Chavez discusses the impact in healthcare access. Gonzalez relates Gramsci’s concepts of hegemony and consensual domination to immigration policy? What is the argument? What is Gonzalez referring to when he complains that there is a “dual system of justice” in chapter 3? And what are some of the approaches to immigration politics that Chavez argues involve state violence against the Latino community? Gonzalez argues that we can now see counter-hegemonic movements taking place. What are some of those counterhegemonic movements? What forms has Latino migrant activism taken in the last several decades?

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