You should read the below prompt to organize the paper:
you will be asked to do a socio-analysis that takes yourself as an object of sociological investigation. The purpose is to ask you to use Bourdieu’s notions of capital and habitus to reflect on the social origins of your own personal tastes, dispositions, attitudes, and of the classificatory judgments you make about other people’s practices. Think about how your upbringing, in particular, may have shaped your likes and dislikes in one or several cultural domains of your choice (e.g. sports, music, clothes and food…). Try to remember one or several concrete instances (e.g. choice of place to eat, movie pick) where you felt that your own dispositions were very different from the person you were with (e.g., a friend, a relative,…). How did the social distance express itself? What kinds of feelings did that moment elicit in you? How would you explain them in light of Bourdieu’s theory? Would that explanation be convincing? How do you evaluate the theory’s ability to account for your experience(s)?
What you need to do is based on the below prompt:
Describe the empirical case you will be studying. How would you describe the scenario in terms of the volume and structure of capital? What were the relative positions of the individuals involved in social space? How did this shape their habitus and consequently, their practices? Is it a case of symbolic violence? Why or why not? 300-400 words. Please include citations to the Bourdieu readings you will be referencing and any outside works (only if you use them).
Please let me know if you have any questions.