1) Why do you suppose that the discovery of Neptune is regarded as a triumph of science, whereas the discoveries of Uranus and Pluto are not?
2) What is unique about the rotational axis of Uranus? If the surface of Uranus is nearly featureless, how was the rotational axis determined?
3) Neptune has more dynamic weather than Uranus. This includes clouds, winds, and a dark spot. Why is this the case when Neptune is further from the Sun than Uranus?
4) What is unique about the orbit of Triton? What is the expected fate of Triton?
5) Pluto and Charon…
a. If you were standing on Pluto, would Charon appear to rise and set or be stationary in the sky?
b. If you were standing on Charon, would Pluto appear to rise and set or be stationary in the sky?
c. Explain your answers to parts (a) and (b).

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