

Please follow these guidelines for all Virtual Lab Reports. There are two different Virtual Lab Report Rubrics, one for 50 points and one for 30 depending on the number of activities in the lab. These detail how your lab reports will be scored.

Virtual Lab Reports

You will be submitting Virtual Lab Reports for two experiments in this course. Your grade will mainly be based on answering all numbered questions and providing any drawings/photos if required, along with providing the following sections:

A Title Page (as described in the Formal Lab Report Guidelines).

Lab Questions, answer all lab questions listed and make sure to keep the same numbering as in the instructions. If you have multiple experiments, ensure that you label these. You may place your required pictures with your lab answers.

A Conclusion Section Provide one paragraph, at minimum, stating conclusions of what you learned in each activity. How might you use or apply this information outside this course in your real life?

References, Include any and all references used. At minimum you would include your eText. All in APA format. APA guidelines

Graph or calculation required if Applicable

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