A. Write your avatar essay in the first person voice. Utilizing your course readings and other materials for historical context, introduce your character/avatar in the first paragraphs. Provide a specific and historically accurate context and setting for your character. The backstory of the character is completely up to you. You need to choose and explain your character/avatar’s specific place of birth, gender, ethnic identity, religion, social class, occupation, and explain how they identify themselves and why (ie. Indio,Criollo, Mulato, Tejano, Nuevo Mexicano etc). (COM, SLO3 )

B. Next you need to identify and analyze one of the major historic conflicts taking place in the time-period your character is living through (such as the Pueblo Revolt, Bourbon Reforms, Mexican Independence etc.) and that is having a direct impact on the life of your character. Explain the historic antecedents or causes of such events. Be sure to identify some historical figures and organizations that are associated with this event and the specific role(s) each played. Be sure to identify precise historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces that shaped the event or conflict you are describing. Last, explain how this historical event or conflict affected or, perhaps, divided, people’s lives of the era.

C. Have your character/avatar find and analyze one primary source document (ie. newspaper article, speech) directly related to the historical conflict you described in Part B. Explain who authored the document, and what the document tell us about the historical conflict you discussed earlier in Part B. In your review of this primary source, explain the possible biases of the author of the document. Explain, if the primary-source document you analyzed would have reinforced or challenged your character’s worldview, ethical values, and/or historical perspective. Would your character agree or disagree with the view or perspective expressed by this document? Be sure you properly cite the source you use.

D. Identify one major ethical dilemma or moral choice that your character is struggling with in regards to this historical conflict. Explain how your character would have responded to this ethical dilemma or moral choice and why he or she responded the way he or she did. Explain how your character’s understanding of self and his or her related personal values influenced their response to the ethical dilemma faced. Be sure to explain how this ethical issue relates to this historical event and how the event is directly affecting your character (i.e., impacting his or her everyday experiences and/or challenging your character’s world and ethical view(s).

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