
For this assignment, you’ll be completing a self-reflection on learning activities in two of the Health Sciences Core Major classes and how these courses met at least two of the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) for the B.S. in Health Sciences. HSCI (UHHS) 410, Legal & Ethical Issues

HSCI (UHHS) 430, Working with Diverse Populations in HHS.

During this semester, you have been asked to reflect on Palmer Parker’s work, Appreciative Inquiry, and your goals for pursing the degree completion program. Think about reflection as the final step in processing the information covered throughout the degree completion program. Think about some of these questions as you prepare to write this paper:

• How have the learning activities in your courses (the two selected for review of this assignment) met the 2 SLOs for the program? Be specific about summarizing the learning activities in a given course and be reflective with regard to meeting the SLOs.

• To what extent did your prior knowledge and professional experiences contribute to your success in the degree completion program?

• How are you going to utilize and apply what you have learned in your current work/professional setting? What is happening in your professional field that will allow you to utilize what you have learned (be specific and provide references).

• How have you seen your strengths grow or be challenged throughout the degree completion program?

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