In the first part, discuss the theme of Kierkegaard that we studied in the course (The Individual, Inwardness, Subjectivity, or the Leap of Faith) that you are most interested in learning more about. Research this theme through scholarly literature and find at least 3 academic sources on your topic. Present a summary of your theme including at least two quotes from different academic sources. In addition, reflect about what this theme has meant to you personally, and discuss ways in which you have changed as a person, a thinker, or a student because it. If you don’t feel it has changed you at all, write about that. Another part of what I will be looking for in this section of your paper is the quality and accuracy of the sources you choose to include.
Quotes of Soben Kierkegaard:
1. “Listen to the cry of a woman in labor at the hour of giving birth – look at the dying man’s struggle at his last extremity, and then tell me whether something that begins and ends thus could be intended for enjoyment” (Soren Kierkegaard )
2. “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards” (Soren Kierkegaard )
In the second half of your paper, go back and review the results of your My Plan assessment, and the description of your values and interests that you wrote about in Your Life Statement back .
Discuss those results and findings briefly before answering whether they still hold true for you. If they don’t, what has changed and why? In the last part of this section, present one long-term academic goal and two medium-term academic goals that will help you in a practical way to utilize the values, interests and personality traits that you described in your Life Statement. How will these goals help you to focus and stay motivated on what is important to you as you move through your coursework? An exceptional paper will connect the theme of study you chose to present within Kierkegaard’s writings to the things you found about your own passions and interests and the academic goals you are setting forth in the paper.

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