Subject: Psychology

Unit title: Psychological Perspectives and Behaviour

behaviour think about which three psychological perspectives you will analyse (you do not have to cover all of the perspectives).

• When planning your essay you will need to go through the 4 components of analysis three times (for each perspective) and also introduce and conclude your essay.

Suggested structure


Briefly outline the behaviour and perspectives you are going to consider in your answer.

Perspective 1

Go through the key assumptions of the perspective and relate these to how the behaviour can be explained by this perspective. Outline any research evidence which supports this explanation. Evaluate the way this perspective explains the behaviour using any relevant key themes and debates.

Perspective 2

Go through the key assumptions of the perspective and relate these to how the behaviour can be explained by this perspective. Outline any research evidence which supports this explanation. Evaluate the way this perspective explains the behaviour using any relevant key themes and debates.

Perspective 3

Go through the key assumptions of the perspective and relate these to how the behaviour can be explained by this perspective. Outline any research evidence which supports this explanation. Evaluate the way this perspective explains the behaviour using any relevant key themes and debates.


Summarise the contribution of the three perspectives in explaining the behaviour.

It will be very important to plan your essay to using this structure to help but adding details of the specific assumptions, application, research and evaluation you will use in each paragraph.

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