The project is to assess the size and content needs of the Business School market in the UK, specifically focusing on Executive Education. This will require the writer to understand this market thoroughly by research that should include:

Desk research for data on the names and number of UK business schools, assessing their potential for executive education sales, and data on course fees for executive courses: distinguishing between independent schools and those that are part of a bigger university (because purchasing and decision-making will be different).
A picture of the whole market and its dynamics: how many dedicated business schools and university business schools offer EE in united kingdom etc.
Research the market for UK Executive Education (EE) – “courses and training for practising managers”.
Define clearly what Executive Education means to them (and isn’t): does it include full-time, part-time MBAs, short courses, what else?; what is not included?
Market research around which product types are most useful for executive courses e.g. professional, textbooks, videos, audio, other?

Project Outcomes
The principal deliverable will be a report assessing the size, content needs, and potential of the UK business school market for Executive Education publications. This should include:

The number, size, and characteristics of business schools in the UK.
The size of their Executive Education offerings and research output.
Their content needs (focusing on book content).

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