Read Symantec’s W32.Stuxnet dossier, watch the documentary Zero Days, and respond to the following questions.

What layers in the TCP/IP stack (Internet Model) did Stuxnet attack? Describe how Stuxnet worked at each impacted layer. What made Stuxnet both a “virus” and a “worm” as a piece of malware?

What are “zero-day” exploits? What four (4) zero-day exploits were used in Stuxnet? Describe each exploit, the vulnerability and how the exploit worked.

How did Stuxnet avoid detection? How was it able to spread? Describe its command and control. What made it appear “acceptable” to the Windows OS and antivirus software in the first place?

Stuxnet differed from all preceding major malware attacks in that it was designed to modify behavior of physical machinery. How did Stuxnet achieve this? Why is this significant? What are some of the implications discussed in the documentary, Zero Days?

How did the cyber security community respond to Stuxnet? Describe the methods used to unpack the malware code. What are some of Stuxnet’s characteristics that made it unique from a code standpoint? How did the cyber security community impact Stuxnet via its command and control servers?

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