
The 2006 Movie “Who Killed the Electric Car” chronicled the demise of the Chevrolet EV 1 and appeared to be a milestone marking the demise of the electric car. In 2011, a follow up movie was made, “Revenge of the Electric Car” that chronicles the resurrection of the idea. While the movie is now seven years old, watching it now provides some context to current discussions about electrifying the transportation network.

For this week’s second assignment watch, “Revenge of the Electric Car” and answer the following questions:

Name three people, heads of electric vehicle car makers, identified in the movie and for each name the company they represent, the car(s) they are trying to produce.

Name an obstacle faced by each of the individuals or companies above and describe how they overcame these obstacles. Write two to three sentences for each.

Write an analysis of the movie and describe how effective the movie is in describing what was happening in the auto industry at the time it was made. Describe your personal views on electric vehicles and whether you believe the electrification of the transportation industry will occur and when.

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