Continuing our focus on China, the discussion this week will look at the changing family structure in China. Why has the family structure changed so rapidly in China? The following article will give you some background on the topic, along with the article you read earlier in the module. Read Changing Family Structures in China (Links to an external site.)
and watch the following video about changing attitudes of young people in China toward relationships:

Answer the following questions:
• Consider the articles you read about China. What are some of the changes that have occurred in the Chinese family culture over the last few decades? Give specific examples.
• How have these changes affected the overall function of family life in China? Back up your statements with citations.
• What are the prospects for marriage, family, and parenting in China for the future? State specifically at least two potential outcomes of the changes in family life in China.
• Compare the changes that have occurred in China to the evolution of families in the United States. Give some specific examples.

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