MOCK STEM Lesson Plan Delivery
Act as if you really were to teach a lesson developed by your mentor teacher (Mrs. Beeman of The High School of Science and Technology) and follow the below instructions as if you really observed and executed a lesson. Also Please fill out the lesson observation form accordingly.
Date of Observation is Period is 3rd, Subject is Science
Experience with lesson implementation and reflection are key components to becoming an effective educator. Effective educators consistently reflect on their practice to make positive changes in the instruction and ensure they are meeting the needs of all learners in the classroom.
Part 1: Lesson Delivery
Teach a lesson developed by your mentor teacher to either the whole classroom or a small group of students. Before delivering the lesson, meet with your mentor teacher to review the lesson plan and prepare for the lesson. In your preparation conference, discuss the following:
• Objectives, learning activities, and assessments you will be delivering
• Necessary materials and resources and where they are located
• Any required differentiation or accommodations for students with IEP’s or 504’s
Ask your mentor teacher to complete the “Lesson Observation Form” as he or she observes you teach the lesson.
After your lesson delivery, discuss with your mentor teacher their feedback including, but not limited to:
• What the mentor considered strong points of your lesson delivery.
• Areas that your mentor believes could have gone better.
• Advice or guidance in the area of classroom management.
Use any remaining time to support the teacher and students in the classroom.
Part 2: Reflection
After your field experience, in 250-500 words, reflect upon your experience delivering the lesson and your discussions with your mentor teacher, including the following:
Lesson Delivery:
• How do you feel about the lesson you delivered?
• What was successful? How do you know?
• What improvements could be made?
Mentor Feedback:
• Refer back to the “Lesson Observation Form.” What feedback, advice, and suggestions did your mentor teacher provide during your discussion?
Professional Reflection:
• What takeaways did you have from your discussion with your mentor teacher? Be specific.
• What did you learn about yourself as an educator?
• How you will use your experience in your future professional practice.