The Project (Parts 1, 2 and final paper) align with Learning Outcomes 1–10.

Project Requirements

  • Your project must use the APA Template from the Course Introduction: APA & You Module and attached to these assignment instructions to receive credit. Failure to use the APA Template, and personalize it to your paper, will result in an automatic zero on your writing assignment.
  • Your entire document must be double-spaced using Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Headers should also be in Times New Roman 12-point font.
  • Proofread your document to eliminate mechanical and grammatical errors.
  • For citations and references, follow APA format. See the Introductory Module for examples. You must cite your textbook and every source you use for project research using parenthetical citations and references in APA format. Be sure to also cite any other sources you use.
  • Provide in-text citations in every paragraph and for every source you use.
  • Minimize the amount of direct quotes you use and focus on writing in your own words. A Turnitin similarity report of 30% or more (meaning at least 30% of your paper is similar to other sources, i.e. not in your own words)will result in a zero on your writing assignment. Note that even though you write in your own words, you still must properly cite all sources to avoid plagiarizing. Any student who has a similarity report over the accepted 30% can face formal action by FSCJ, according to the Academic Dishonesty policy in the course syllabus.
  • Remember that this is not a subjective essay — there should not be any personal opinion or experiences expressed here, and all information should be shared in an academic and respectful manner. Do not use personal pronouns (I, me, we, us, you, etc.) in academic writing.
  • All writing assignments must be submitted as Microsoft Word file attachments via the designated submission link above.Any assignment not submitted, as a Word document in APA format will not be graded, per the course syllabus.

Final Project Description

The final paper is due in Module 7 and is worth 150 points. The final paper combines the information submitted in Parts 1 and 2.  For the Final Project and in one Word document, students should combine their completed Part 1 and Part 2 submissions. Students should use my comments on their Part 1 and 2 submissions to improve their final project before submitting it as they will be graded based upon how accurate and complete their final projects are (see the Final Project Grading Rubric). The final paper is a synthesis of the adult prison research, addressing all required components.

Scope and Criteria for Final Project

Paragraph 1: Facility Introduction

In one paragraph, and based upon your selected prison, what is the name, location, and security level of the facility? Is this a state or a federal facility?

Paragraphs 2-3: Determinate and Indeterminate Sentencing

  • In one paragraph, differentiate between determinate, indeterminate, and mandatory sentencing structures. Give an example of each type of sentencing structure.
  • In one paragraph, consider the region in which your facility is located. What is the sentencing structure for the region your facility is located in? Describe.

Paragraphs 4-5: Inmate Classification

In one paragraph:

  • Define and discuss inmate classification.
  • Why is inmate classification important?
  • Consider the goals of punishment, control, and rehabilitation that are underlying purposes of the American corrections system. How might inmate classification lead to conflict between the goals of punishment and control, and the need to rehabilitate offenders?

In one paragraph, discuss the inmate classification process for the facility you located.

  • Inmate classification may be described on the facility’s website, on the correctional department website in which the facility is located, and/or in the statutes outlining the classification process for the region the facility is located in (state or federal). See the Learning Units in Modules 3 and 5 for an example of one state’s classification process.

Paragraphs 6-11: Institutional Programs

As you have learned, there are many types of programs offered in correctional facilities around the country.

  • Paragraph 6: Based upon what you learned in the text, what are the general categories of programs offered to inmates in correctional facilities?
  • Paragraph 7: Describe one type of institutional program available to inmates at the prison you are researching.  Address the following elements in this paragraph:
    • Based upon what you learned about types of prison programs, what is the purpose/goal of the type of program you identified?
    • For the program you identify, describe the rehabilitative model that program is based on (educational, vocational, therapeutic, etc.).
  • Paragraph 8: For the type of program you identified, discuss the correctional staff who would be working in those programs (counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, doctors, educators, etc.).
  • Paragraph 9: Identify and discuss one advantage and one disadvantage to offering career education and one advantage and one disadvantage to offering vocational training in an institutional setting.
  • Paragraph 10: Define and discuss the purpose of work release and pre-release institutional programs. Also discuss the purpose of post-release programs.
  • Paragraph 11: Discuss any pre-release programs available at your facility.  Address the following elements in this paragraph:
    • Review the definition of a pre-release program to ensure what you discuss here qualifies under that category.
    • Does the facility you researched offer work release and/or pre-release programs?
      • If so, describe at least one of these programs.
      • If not, and based upon what you learned in this course, explain why you think the facility you researched does not offer these programs. Consider the type of inmate(s), budget restraints, and other factors in your response.

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