Question 1.
Given the following test cross data of tomato in which the heterozygous F1 plants were crossed with a strain that has ovate fruit, curled leaves and mottled coloration (homozygous recessive ovov cucu momo) and the following progeny were observed:
Normal curled mottled 3
Normal curled solid 26
Normal flat solid 304
Normal flat mottled 68
Ovate curled mottled 310
Ovate curled solid 60
Ovate flat mottled 24
Ovate flat solid 5
Note: Normal fruit vs. ovate fruit
Flat leaves or curled leaves
Solid color or mottled coloration
1. Determine the two parental genotypes.
2. Designate the parental, single crossover, and double crossover classes of offspring. Label each row of the above table: as parental, single crossover or double crossover class of offspring.
3. Determine the order of gene loci and calculate the genetic distance of these three loci. Present the data as a labelled linkage map.