
Scenario One

You have received resumes for five qualified candidates. In an effort to determine which of the five candidates should move on to the next round, which involves a one-on-one interview, you decided to do a little online detective work on a popular social networking site. Before long, you run across a page belonging to one of the candidates that is open to the public, and read some information regarding the candidate that is problematic. Specifically, under interests the candidate lists “Partying and One Night Stands.” Additionally, there are pictures posted showing him in various states of intoxication with students from Anonymous University. The page also reveals his age and religious preferences.

1. From a legal perspective, how, if at all, can looking at these types of sites be problematic?

2. From a practical perspective, how, if at all, can looking at these types of sites be problematic?

3. If you decide to withdraw the candidate from consideration based on the information on the site, what steps should you take to protect yourself and the University?

Scenario Two

You decide to interview two candidates for the position: John Doe and James Smith. You asked them the questions listed below. Please discuss in your group whether or not the questions were permissible or acceptable under the federal law. Unacceptable questioning may potentially serve as a basis for a discrimination claim.

1. Are you a professing Christian and willing to support the Christian mission of Anonymous University?

2. How old are you?

3. Can you provide me with an example of situation where you exhibited maturity?

4. Are there any additional responsibilities that you have that would prevent you from meeting the work schedule?

5. Can you demonstrate how you would perform the physical demands of this position?

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