1. Why does the social status of the artist/artisan appear to vary in different periods of human history? Should the consideration of social status have an impact on the way we understand the objects we study?
2. Carving is a common technique for forming objects. What differences exist between the carving techniques used in organic materials, such as wood and ivory, and in various types of stone?
3. What do we learn from about traditional craft practices by reading the accounts of artists/craftspeople, contracts, or the descriptions of art and architecture written during the Renaissance or Medieval periods?
4. To what extent does a consideration of gender contribute to our understanding of traditional craft practices? In your answer you can also reflect on whether there are cultural and geographical factors that define gendered divisions in craft activities.
5. How well do major museum websites communicate information about the materials and methods that were involved in the manufacture of paintings, sculptures, and other artifacts? In this essay, pick on one or two major museum collections and offer critical responses to the ways in which manufacturing practices and materials are dealt with. How might greater attention to these issues enrich the experience of users of such sites?