
1. Are loyalty schemes still relevant within the current aviation and/or hospitality industries?

2. Luxury Versus Budget – which will dominate travel, tourism, aviation or hospitality products/services over the next 3 years?

3. Will post-pandemic travel be better than that up to December 2019?

4. Is the cruise industry doomed in a post-pandemic environment?

Format for the debate (with an indicative guide to timings)-Opening Remarks (maximum 10 minutes): Each student will formally present FOUR key arguments to support their chosen position. Students are required to use a maximum of 1 slide per argument, followed by their list of references on a subsequent slide(s). Slides should be used as a prompter for each argument as opposed to providing excess text on each slide.

Please avoid simply reading your notes.-Cross-examination & counter arguments: (maximum 13 minutes) The lecturer will then cross-examine each student. The student will then have an opportunity to counter-argue their points further, based on the cross-examination.-Concluding Remark (2 minutes): Each student will provide an overall conclusion to the debate, reaffirming their position.

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