Psych Mental Health Nursing – Concept Map Assignment

• Synthesize knowledge of psychiatric mental health (PMH) content with prior medical-surgical content including diagnoses, medications, and nursing care.
• Critical thinking about RN role in care of complex patients.
Instructions: Identify a patient that you have encountered in your PMH clinical rotations who has both medical and psychiatric illnesses. Collect information on their health status, diagnoses, medications, and overall plan of care. Then, create a concept map to describe their care.
Your concept map must include at least: 2 psychiatric diagnoses, 2 psychiatric medications, 1 non-psychiatric diagnosis, and 2 non-psychiatric medications. You must list at least 3 side effects for each medication, preferably including the most common side effects and/or side effects that are relevant to this specific patient. There must be at least 3 connections made between psychiatric and non-psychiatric aspects of the patient’s presentation. Include at least 3 nursing diagnoses and link them to other aspects of the concept map. You do not need to include nursing interventions. Points will also be awarded for neatness so the concept map must be,
legible, use different colors for clarity, and should include a key. This assignment may be done by hand or electronically

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