1. What topic did you select and why did you choose it?
2. When did you begin this assignment?
3. What do (did) you already know about your topic before researching it this week?
4. What do (did) you wish to learn about your topic?
5. What specific questions do you have about this subject?
6. What types of research have already been conducted on your subject?
7. Do you have any ideas for new research? What would YOU like to research about this topic, particularly after you have read about what has already been discovered?
8. What information did you find that surprised you or made your research focus turn in another direction?
9. Which library databases did you utilize while conducting your research?
10. Did you view the help tutorials in our library before beginning your research?
11. Regarding the sources you have included on your References page, why did you select those sources? How do you know they are credible? (Turn to our Week Four Lessons for tips.)
12. Did you do a broad internet search on your subject? (Do a quick search now if you have not done so already.) Did you find information that was NOT credible? How did you know to avoid this source? What were your clues? (Do not include any bad sources on your References page.)
13. What algorithms have been used to research this topic? (See Week Four Lessons for tips.) What steps might YOU take (i.e., what algorithms might you use) if you were researching this topic (per your answer to question seven)?
14. If you were writing a complete research paper on this subject, what information might be useful in an Appendix section?
15. When did you complete this project? You may also include any other final thoughts or conclusions here.