What is the Company’s Strategy? (Read Intro to Strategy Article)
Write on the company chosen. Talk about its history and the market in which they compete. provide some information about both the company and industry. Is the market/industry new? Is the company new? Is it a high-profit industry? Blue Ocean? What information can you tell me about the industry in which the company operates?
Planning, Crafting, and Emergent Strategies
Write a report explaining the differences between planning, crafting, and emergent strategies. If possible, provide examples, from your company, of how they have used either planning, crafting or emergent strategies in the past and how they could utilize them in the future.
SWOT Analysis
Do a SWOT analysis for the company and, in the process, explain what a SWOT analysis is and how it can help an organization.
Mission and Vision Statements
What is the company mission or vision statement? Discuss the difference between a mission and vision statement. Does the company both labels (communicates) and models (example) their mission/vision statements?
Points of Parity/Differentiation
Write a report explaining the differences between points of differentiation and points of parity. Then, using information about the company, identify the points of differentiation and points of parity with your competitors.
Product Revenue Analysis
Using several products or services from your company, conduct a product revenue analysis and write a report on your findings. In the analysis, discuss how the product revenue analysis can help organizations focus on high profit products and services while taking into account the popularity (or demand