GeoHist 1
GeoHist 2
GeoHist 3
1. What is the difference between numerical and relative dating?
2. Describe three types of fossilization.
3. What environment has the best chance of generating fossils? (terrestrial or marine) Why?
4. What are the dates (millions of years before present) of the major eras of geologic time?
5. Geologic information is rarely continuous. It is gathered from scattered outcrops and/or wells. Correlation is used to “link” this information together. Describe this process. [Google “geologic correlation’]
6. Why is radiometric dating a reliable method of dating the geologic past?
7. Radioactive isotopes have very different half lives. When should a long half life versus a short half life isotope be used for dating?
8. What terrestrial animals dominated during the Mesozoic?
9. What could have caused the K-T extinctions?
10. Why is the earth’s molten metallic core important to humans living today?

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