This paper is going to examine how historical events in US history have contributed to economic inequality in the U.S.

Introduction has to include a clear thesis statement.
There should be 4-6 bodyparagraphs, I want these to be as long as possible, so DROP the conclusion and focus on the arguments. Causes you should focus on is de-unisation, tax policies, federal monetary policies (unemployment). AVOID causes like globalisation (this is related to Asia and not American history). You can present anything as long as it is connected to the past.

Focus on historic events like the Great Depression, the Great recession. This is IMPORTANT. Also, mention how WW2 got them through the Great depression, and the effects of it on income inequality today.
It is important that you link the past to the present. Therefore, you have to use Trump’s slogan “Make America great again”. Trump refers to the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, when people where able to rise from poverty and had good wages.
Also, write about the 1970s, a decade characterized by slow growth, high unemployment, and high inflation. This dismal economic situation provided the impetus for new policies that promised to stimulate more economic growth. Write about these policies and how they affected today’s American society. Use the fact that American dream starts to become less achievable here, how is it today?

When presenting arguments for the present, write about how poverty and affluency and some of the trends in exonomic inequality today. Also, argue around the ‘all men are created equal’ constituion. Is this right, wrong, why? Link reasons to historical events. Statistics are important, so emphasise on the income gap.

Here are some sources you have to use:

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