SHOWME Tutorials:
1. What, geologically, is the difference between “stress” and “strain”? What are the types of stress; what are the types of strain?
2. What is “strike” and “dip”? How are these measured? How are these used by geologists?
3. Contrast the movements that occur along normal and reverse (dip-slip) faults, using the terms “hanging wall” and “foot wall”. What type/direction of force is indicated by each fault type?
4. Describe the San Andreas “fault”.
5. How are reverse faults different from thrust faults? How are they the same?
6. How are joints different from faults?
7. What is a passive continental margin and an active margin? Give examples of each for the U.S.?
8. Describe orogenesis?
9. What are the different types of mountains; how are they “built”?