Rewrite the existing essay and answer the question. Pick ONE sustainable strategy and analyse how is fashion responding? assess its effectiveness in supporting positive change in the short and long term.
The essay is required to answer the question of the title. For the moment the paper is quite broad and vague. It does not answer the question. Needs a stronger introduction with examples and references. Add pictures
Learning Outcomes
LO1 Evaluate a range of sociological fashion theories in order to explain contemporary phenomena of social appearance.
LO2 Interpret the history and developments of fashion industry in the context of the growing debate on sustainability.
LO3 Explain the position of the fashion industry as a global social phenomenon.

o Read a wide range of academic articles from journals and other reliable, academically valuable sources in order to identify theories relevant to the subject matter.

o Explicitly link theory and practice

o Acknowledge all sources using Harvard Referencing style.

o Keep a file of images that you will use within the essay to illustrate important points and their sources.

o Carefully articulate ideas and consistently support the points addressed in order to generate a cohesive, comprehensive argument.

o Proofread the essay before submitting it.

o Use double line spacing, justify margins, include page numbers and adopt a font and a font size that ease the reading of the piece.

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