Develop a 12-month marketing plan for a proposed new product or service, for an existing brand, that demonstrates an understanding of financial models, data analysis and market intelligence. You should include the following:

Executive Summary

Business Model
Pricing & Positioning
How Can You Add / Offer Value? USP
Goals and Objectives
Market Research

Desired Target Audience
Competitor Analysis
SWOT & PESTLE analysis
Communications Plan

How Will You Reach Your Audience?
Campaign Messaging / Creative Ideas
Channels & Tactics
Key Dates (e.g launch)
Your plan should highlight a new business opportunity within the marketplace and explain how your suggested product or service would add value to consumers. Use data (e.g. Mintel reports and small data) to support your proposal and identify opportunities and trends that you intend to exploit.

The plan will clearly outline the desired target audience and how you propose to communicate the benefits of your product or service, giving examples of campaign messaging, tactics and channels. In addition, you should make a suggestion of resources required and key performance indicators to measure success.

The plan should be written to clearly articulate both the business opportunity and the planned marketing activity.

The word count of 3000 is strict, with a 10% leeway either side (in other words your report must be a minimum of 2700 words, and a maximum of 3300 words, not including your references page). You may include visuals and tables – these will be included in the word count. ** Must include at least 10 direct quotes from the reference. sources.

Remember to use the Harvard Reference system for formatting your references and in-text citations. How to reference can be found here (Links to an external site.).
Advice on writing reports can be found here (Links to an external site.).

Learning outcomes assessed in module 1/assignment 2:

1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of current issues in industry practice, synthesize and apply relevant knowledge systematically to complex scenarios (business and subject knowledge)

2. Interpret data in a range of forms and substantiate an informed judgement, based on analysis and critical reflection (critical thinking and evaluation skills)

3. Apply strategic problem solving skills to generate contextually relevant solutions (problem solving skills)

6. Communicate ideas persuasively, effectively in response to a defined brief (presentation and communication skills)

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