Topic: Global Business Environment

Paper details:

The company is considering Vietnam for establishing a garment manufacturing facility to produce for markets in North America., the EU, and Australia. How would you recommend the company to proceed given Vietnam’s political and economic conditions? Please make a recommendation using the framework in the course. Please make sure to provide supporting evidence based on your research.

A few things to keep in mind.
a. Please make sure to answer the question using the framework we use in the course (recommendation and logical argument supported by sound evidence)
b. Demonstrate that you understand the ideas, concepts, and theories by applying them appropriately and critically in your memo
c. Clearly state your ideas and position
d. Clear and concise communication of your position
e. 500-word limit; The less is more, especially when it comes to writing. So please aspire to abide by the limit.
f. Please make sure to cite your sources. (You can choose any style.)
g. Make sure to put the word count, your name, and student ID at the top of the first page.

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