One of the components of a quality management system is statistical quality control (SQC). Companies could and should benefit from the continuous and proper use of statistical methods. However, there are not that many that have enough statistical knowledge (even if they are technically well equipped) to do so. It even seems as if the role of the statistical quality control is becoming of less importance with the focus of attention shifting from production to service sphere of the company, and from the problems of choosing the right quantitative tool to solve a certain problem to various intuitive managerial methods and procedures without quantitative background, that are easier to grasp and therefore tempting. Empirical evidence suggests that different levels of SQC methods application exist in companies with ISO-certified quality management systems.

1. Is it possible to identify measures and activities, whose application would increase the awareness of the statistical quality control’s importance in companies with ISO-certified quality management systems and effectively contribute to its easier and faster integration into the system?

2. How could statisticians and their professional associations contribute to the proper use of statistical quality control methods in companies?

3. What role do you foresee in a post COVID19 world, for data analytics?

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