Based on your knowledge of CAT, what suggestions would you offer to a person going on a job interview? What should the person do? What should they avoid doing?

Co-cultural theory serves as an interesting point of comparison with several other theories, including standpoint theory, muted group theory, communication accommodation theory, and face-negotiation theory. Pick two of these and compare/contrast with co-cultural theory. Where do these theories find common ground with co-cultural theory? Where do they differ?

Field of experience is a provocative term in co-cultural theory. What is your field of experience as a co-cultural group member, a dominant group member, or perhaps both at different times? Based on this field of experience, what communicative practices are you comfortable enacting? Which would be uncomfortable for you?

Which communication approach do you think is most likely to get the attention of a dominant group: being assertive, or being aggressive? What might be the key factors that influence which is most effective?

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