Statistics Assignment

Please answer the following questions using the space provided:

1. Define the Mean, Median, and Mode and give an example for each. (15 points)

2. Which statistical test would you use to compare the mean differences between two groups and why? (10 points)

3. What does “statistically significant ” indicate? (10 points)

4. How would you describe categorical data and what is the difference between it and continuous data? (10 points)

5. What is the difference between an independent and dependent variable? (10 points)

6. Review the DeGrazia et al., (2015) article (posted on Canvas), to answer the following questions:

a. The authors set the alpha or significance (p-value) level at .05 or less in this study (see method section for this information) Please list the variable(s) that reached significance in Table 1 and the corresponding p value (10 points)

b. Please list the variable(s) that reached significance in Table 2 and the corresponding p value(s) for each variable that reached significance. (10 points)

c. Please list the variable(s) that reached significance in Table 3 and the corresponding p value(s) for each variable that reached significance. (10 points)

7. Review the Zellner et. al (2007) article (posted on Canvas) to answer the following questions:
a) Which descriptive statistical analysis is most commonly used in nursing studies? (5 points)

b) Which parametric inferential statistical analysis is most commonly used in nursing studies? (5 points)

c) Which nonparametric inferential statistical analysis is most commonly used in nursing studies? (5 points)

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