Analyze an annual SEC report in order to evaluate the financial strength, efficiency, and effectiveness of an organization. Visit the Company Filings search page of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database website (, located in the Topic Materials. Search for and use Oracle Corporation for this project. Locate the company’s most recent annual report (10K) and download it.
Read and analyze the “Management Discussions and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Financial Statements and Supplementary Data” sections of your selected company’s annual report. Based on the information found, calculate the relevant ratios and write a 500-750 word analysis providing an assessment of the following with a determination of whether your company of choice is favorable or unfavorable:
1. Liquidity
2. Effectiveness
3. Leverage
4. Profitability
Conclude with an evaluation of the overall financial strength, efficiency, and effectiveness of the organization based on your findings.

B.S. in Finance and Economics:
3.1: Use financial statements in order to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.
5.3: Evaluate budgeting and accounting reports to determine the financial strength of an organization or financial proposal.

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