Topic: The Field of Cyberpsychology
Paper details:
Use your research and accumulated knowledge, along with the APA Paper Template, linked in the Resources under the APA Resources heading, to complete the following:
Describe the key advances in technology and the application of new technologies since 2011.
Explain the underlying psychological theories and models associated with cyberpsychology.
Describe how the field of cyberpsychology specifically relates to the allied fields of human–computer interaction, human factors, usability, user-interface design, and ergonomics.
Explain how a theory in cyberpsychology influences a specific career or related field. For example, how does the sociocultural theory of development influence the work of a software designer who develops online games.
Analyze the positive and negative implications of advances in technology related to your job or future career.
Explain a specific ethical, legal, or psychological issue or concern, related to the field of cyberpsychology.