What does Stratfor suggest when they say that the United States is the Inevitable Empire? Give 5 reasons they give on why the US is the Inevitable Empire? What are your thoughts on the article? Do you agree with their assessment?

What is Environmental Geography? Why is it an important area for study? What are three subjects that are studied in Environmental Geography? Elaborate on those subjects (give real life examples for each topic) and share your thoughts on the current state of the Environment in the US and world as a whole.

What is Political Geography? Why is it an important area for study? What are three subjects that are studied in Political Geography? Elaborate on those subjects (give real life examples for each topic) and share your opinions on the current state of Politics in America.

What is Cultural Geography? Why is it an important area of study? What are three subjects that are studied in Cultural Geography? Elaborate on those subjects (give real life examples for each topic) and share your thoughts on the current culture of the United States?

What is Economic Geography? Why is it an important area of study? What are the three subjects that are studied in Economic Geography? Elaborate on those subjects and give real-life examples for each of those topics and share your thoughts on the current state of the economy of the United States?

Why are some countries rich and other countries poor? Can we ask the same question of why some neighborhoods are rich and others poor? Do the same reasons apply? Dissect these ideas and share your opinions. Use the “Why Are Some Countries Rich And Others Poor” youtube video and Majora Carter’s TED talk “Greening the Ghetto” as reference.

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