While advances have been made in decarbonising the power generation sector, the heating and cooling sector which represents a much larger contribution to the power demand and hence environmental impact has seen much smaller progress in moving to a lower carbon footprint.
Using your country or a country of your choice as an example/case study, write 1800 words essay to outline the current status of the heating and cooling sector, possibly comparing to other energy sectors, in terms of moving to low carbon technologies, and planned activity for the 2030 and 2050 targets. The main focus should be on the technological aspects, but this of course needs to be linked to economic, environmental and possibly energy policy aspects to help make the points in your analysis and discussion.
– Note that the coursework will be checked by Turnitin for similarity index
– In Essay questions, high marks will be given when there is more focus on own analysis and interpretations than just statements of data and facts.
– Number of words excludes title page, table of contents, references and nomenclature section if you decide to include it.
You can use sketches and tables if you think necessary to explain, but only if you find absolutely necessary.
– You will need to make sure that no direct copying from references is done and you should always reference facts and figures using a standard referencing method.