Topic: Vital Signs

Paper details:

Type a brief essay on Vital Signs – include the following: 1) Give the definition of the following Vital Signs Medical Terminology: Apical Pulse; Auscultation; Blood Pressure; Bradycardia; Bradypnea; Cardiac arrest; Diastolic Blood Pressure; Dyspnea; Fever; Hypertention ; Hypotention; Inspection; Palpation; Percussion; Pulse; Pulse Point; Pulse Pressure; Respiration; Sign; Symptoms; Systolic Blood Pressure; Tachycardia; Tachypnea; Temperature; and Vital Signs. 2) Describe each of the vital signs 3) What each one is measuring 4) Assessment skills utilize when taking the various vital signs 5) The normal range of each vital signs

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