On the list of very important Climate Change related moves, “Gasland” is an award winning documentary, by Josh Fox. This caps our week’s learning module on the Economics and Environomentalism. The movie is available from a couple of different locations, but can be streamed below.

This assignment asks you to provide a written assessment of the movie. Answer the following questions:

Write an assessment of the movie. What did you learn that was new. Was there anything that shocked you about this movie? (5 Points)
Describe the environmental laws or protections mentioned in the movie that infringe on the fracking process? What is the biggest risk – in your opinion and as described in the movie – posed by fracking on public welfare (5 points)
Describe whether you believe this movie does a good job in convincing you, one way or another, about the risks of fracking. Describe whether you believe this is a well made movie, or is the movie biased? (5 points)


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