Agents of socialization have an enormous impact on awareness of self. In early life, the family is the most intense period of cultural learning, however mass media also has an extraordinary influence on individuals. From an early age, children are exposed to a myriad of mass media influence including television, video games, movies, books, magazines and comics. This influence continues into adulthood – you are influenced by mass media much more than you’ll ever likely realize.
The reflection hypothesis states that “the mass media reflects the values of the general population.” Every generation has experienced “shocking” TV/mass media events that often elicit debate on whether or not this event is appropriate. By looking back on specific shows, one can get a glimpse of the societal norms of that time period and gain a greater understanding of what was acceptable and what was “pushing the boundaries” of social acceptance.
Below are several videos that show different forms of media (such as video games, music, movies and TV) from various time periods. These videos demonstrate how the idea of what is the “norm” varies throughout the years. You do not have to watch all the videos, but you should watch at least three. While you are watching these videos think about how race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, family construction, socialization, gender roles and norms have changed throughout the years.
Some things to consider in your discussion: how do these clips vary from current mass media? When you are looking at the clips, what is the “norm” presented in each video? What did you notice with regards to gender roles in those clips pertaining to video games throughout the decades? How do these links reflect the time at which it was made? Be sure to mention at least three clips in your response.

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