1. Describe the business situation, including the macro-environmental and micro-environmental conditions facing the organization.
2. Develop the problem statement: the opportunity or threat facing the organization.
3. Identify at least three alternative strategies and programs the organization should consider to deal with the opportunity or threat to the organization. Present each alternative in sufficient detail to give the reader an idea of why it may be beneficial in solving the problem or taking advantage of the opportunity.
4. Recommend one or more of the alternatives you have identified. Inform the reader of your reasons for this recommendation.
5. Describe tracking metrics to determine whether your recommended strategies and programs are effective. Be sure to include both intermediate (short term) and conclusive (long term) metrics to guide management’s redirection of ineffective strategies.
6. Summarize what you have learned from your critical analysis. You will need to conduct external research on the industry or the company as a context for your analysis.

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