PORTFOLIO #3: Article Summary and Critique

  1. Write a summary and critique of the attached article.
  2. Bring a hardcopy of your completed summary and critique for peer review Week7.
  3. Portfolio #3 is due on Week 8.

 How to Write the Summary and Critique:

  • Read the attached article.
  • Write a 4-5 sentence (one paragraph) summary of the article. The summary should include all the main ideas of the original article, but in your own words and written in the third person. The first sentence must contain a “signal phrase” that states the article title, author name, and date of publication.
  • Then write a 5-10 sentence critique of the article. This is your second paragraph, and will consist of your opinions about the article. Include a discussion of the author, the purpose of the article, who the audience is, the content, and the context of the article. Some questions you can answer are:

1) Why is the author credible?                       

2) Why did the author write the article?

            3) Who are the intended and actual readers? 4) What is the main point of the article?

            5) Where and when was the article published, and how would this affect the article?

  • The summary and critique must contain two in-text citations taken from the article. These can appear anywhere in your two paragraphs. They can be quotes or paraphrases, and APA format must be used to cite Remember, ALL words, ideas, or information taken from the article MUST be cited properly, whether you use a direct quote (the author’s words) or a paraphrase (putting it into your own words). Chapter 21 in your textbook contains information on citing with APA format for in-text citations.
  • Include an APA reference for the article on a separate reference page. Information on how to write a reference can be found in Chapter 21 of your textbook.
  • The summary and critique should be one page total, double-spaced. The reference should be on a separate page from the summary and critique. Don’t forget a title page for the entire assignment.

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