This report requires students to critically analyze & apply industrial relations literature to contemporary workplace problems.

Topic: The future of enterprise bargaining in Australia

Many issues in the field of industrial relations are contentious and likely to incite strong opinions and debate. This assessment encourages students to analyze the differing and often competing perspectives of industrial relations stakeholders on an issue of key importance to business, individuals and society at large.

This assessment encourages students to:

Provide a critical perspective of the academic literature on a topic.
Construct an informed and analytical response to the question.
Utilize and conform to the principles of academic rigour in the production of an acceptable, formal response to the question.

Essential reading: Pennington, A. (2018). On the Brink: The Erosion of Enterprise Agreement Coverage in Australia’s Private Sector, The Centre for Future Work, The Australia Institute. Available at
This assessment task requires you to research the history and current state of enterprise bargaining in Australia. Read the following report by Pennington, and with reference to six (6) additional academic sources, critically assess whether enterprise bargaining is the best way forward for employees, employers and the overall economy in Australia.

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