Topic: The Christian God

Paper details:

1.Stefon writes, “Within the Christian perception and experience of God, characteristic features stand out (1) the personality of God, (2) God, as the creator, (3) God as the Lord of history, and (4) God as Judge” (83). Choose two of these characteristics to explain in more detail.
2. What do Christians claim about the nature of Satan?
3. The Christian creed claims that Jesus is of the same substance (homoousia) as God, the Father. What does this mean and what caused the development of this claim?
4. What is the purpose or role of the Holy Spirit?
5. Christians qualify their monotheistic claim about God noting the trinitarian character of God. What does that mean?
6. Christians claim that Jesus is both fully divine and fully human. Describe what Christians understand about human nature. (2 examples)
7. What does the concept of rebirth mean in Christian theology?
8. Eschatology is an attempt to understand what happens to each individual when they die, as well as what will happen at the end of human history. Describe two claims made at various points in Christian history.
9. Describe the claims made by Christians about the nature of the Kingdom of God.
10. Choose and explain one of the Christian atonement theories.

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